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We are a Non-Banking Finance Company registered with the Reserve Bank of India and listed on both the Stock Exchanges.

Loan Products

Wholesale Loan

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Structured Finance to cater the needs of real estate developers

Loan amount upto INR 50Cr

Tenure Ranging from 2-7 years

Risk based pricing

Moratorium provision as per business requirement

Retail Loan

Garment Shop

Collateral based business loans to MSMEs, small traders, manufacturers, salaried professionals

Loan amount upto INR 50 Lacs

Tenure Ranging from 2-8 years

Competitive ROI

Easy repayment options in the EMI form

Loan Product

About Us

CSL is a one-stop destination for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Real estate and non-real estate Corporates to avail a variety of secured loan products. CSL's experienced and dynamic team aims at fulfilling the dreams of every entrepreneur by bridging the gap between their dreams and their financial needs to grow their business.

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About Us

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With a presence in 6 states & more than 25 Branches, We are happily fulfilling the dreams of many! “Happy employees lead to happy customers, which leads to more profits.”

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happy customer

I had never taken any loan before and always thought that the whole process was tiring and lengthy! However, CSL’s simple and easy documentation process and supportive team have made it easier for first-time customers like me to gain access to loans and get them sanctioned in record time!


Anuj Kumar

Shiv Shakti Kirana Store

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will the guaranteed amount be paid by NCGTC to the MLIs on invocation of the guarantee?
    75% of the guaranteed amount will be paid by NCGTC within 30 days of an eligible claim being preferred by the MLI concerned. The balance 25% will be paid on conclusion of recovery proceedings or till the decree gets time barred, whichever is earlier
  • I am a borrower and have furnished corporate guarantee/ guarantee of self / third party to my Bank on an existing loan. Do I have to arrange to extend this previously furnished guarantee for the 20% loan being availed by me under ECLGS ?
    No. Extension of any guarantee or obtention of any fresh guarantee will make the guarantee cover provided by NCGTC under the scheme void.
  • Bureau outstanding has been entered incorrectly by MLI ‘A’ while taking gurantee cover in respect of an eligible borrower. The said borrower is also baking with MLI ‘B’, but it is not able to extend assistance to the borrower in view of incorrect entry of Bureau Outstanding. What should MLI ‘B’ do ?
    NCGTC has already developed and circulated a module as per which the MLI ‘B’ can rectify the Bureau outstanding. It may, however, be noted that MLI ‘B’ should retain the document relating to Bureau outstanding as proof which would be required in case of claim settlement.
  • What would be the nature of guarantee under the scheme?
    The Credit Guarantee from NCGTC would be unconditional and irrevocable.
  • Some lenders have indicated a negative list of sectors for consideration under ECLGS. Does the scheme have any restriction on business activity of a borrower?
    ECLGS is admissible for all business activities. There is no negative list for coverage under ECLGS.
  • What will be the definition of FIs for the purpose of this Scheme?
    FIs for the purpose of this Scheme will be as defined under sub-clause (i) of clause (c) of Section 45-I of RBI Act.
  • In case where the original loan is an unsecured loan (i.e. with no primary or collateral security), is it required to create a charge within a period of 3 months as applicable for ECLGS scheme?
    If the underlying loan is unsecured in nature, no charge is required to be created/extended.
  • My lender, which is an NBFC, proposes to charge 15% for the loan. Is this permissible?
    While a NBFC lender can charge a rate of interest higher than 14%, such a loan would not be eligible for guarantee coverage
  • Is there any moratorium period prescribed under the Scheme?
    Yes, a moratorium period of one year on the principal amount shall be provided for GECL funding. Interest shall, however, be payable during the moratorium period. The principal shall be repaid in 36 instalments after the moratorium period is over.
  • The scheme provides that all business enterprises / MSME borrower accounts with combined outstanding loans across all MLIs of upto Rs.25 crore as on 29.2.2020 are eligible for the scheme. In this regard, whether MLI means such institutions which are registered with NCGTC or includes all lending institutions?
    MLI here refers to all lending institutions
  • Are off balance sheet loans provided to MSME borrowers covered as part of the scheme?
    No, the scheme does not cover the off-balance sheet exposure. Only on balance sheet exposures outstanding as on 29th Feb, 2020 are eligible to be covered under the scheme.
  • What is the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme?
    The Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme provides 100% guarantee coverage by NCGTC to MLIs on GECL of up to Rs. 3 lakh crore to eligible MSMEs. MSMEs for the purpose of this Scheme will include MSMEs/ Business Enterprises which are constituted as Proprietorships, Partnerships, Registered Companies, Trusts and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), interested borrowers under PMMY, and also loans to individuals for business purpose.
  • I am a borrower banking with an eligible MLI ‘A’. My total turnover is Rs.250 crore (exclusive of taxes) for FY 2019-20 and is exceeding Rs.250 crore with taxes including GST. Whether I am eligible under the scheme?
    No. The annual turnover prescribed under the scheme is Rs.250 crore (inclusive of all taxes along with GST) for FY 2019-20.
  • What is the objective of the Scheme?
    The Scheme is a specific response to the unprecedented situation COVID-19. It seeks to provide much needed relief to the MSME sector by incentivizing MLIs to provide additional credit of up to Rs. 3 lakh crore at low cost, thereby enabling MSMEs to meet their operational liabilities and restart their businesses
  • What would be the procedure followed in case a borrower has loan accounts with multiple lenders?
    In case a borrower has existing limits with multiple lenders, GECL may be availed either through one lender or each of the current lenders in proportion depending upon the agreement between the borrower and the MLI. In case the borrower wishes to take from any specific lender an amount more than the proportional 20% of the outstanding credit that the borrower has with that particular lender, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) would be required from such lenders whose share of loan under ECLGS is being proposed to be taken from the specific lender. However, it would be necessary for the specific lender to agree to provide loan under ECLGS on behalf of such lenders. No NOC will, however, be required if the GECL availed from a particular lender is limited to the proportional 20% of the outstanding credit that the borrower has with that lender.
  • What would be the procedure for filing and settlement of claims under ECLGS ?
    A claim lodgement page shall be available on the portal, which is under development presently. The MLI shall furnish the details of the account which would include date of NPA, amount in default, status of legal action etc. The MLI may also be required to upload Management Certificate certifying certain details about the account. On submission of this claim, an e-mail shall go to the MLI that their claim has been lodged and NCGTC would initiate action to approve the claim request and arrange to pay 75% of the amount in default within 30 days of the claim date provided all requisite documents are submitted and the claim is found to be in order and complete in all respects. This shall be treated as Interim Claim. The MLI shall also furnish details of the recoveries made in the account and after adjusting such recoveries towards default amount relating to first charge and the legal costs incurred by them, remit the balance amount to NCGTC within 30 days, failing which MLI shall be required to pay the recovered amount along with interest at 2% over and above the prevailing repo rate from the date of recovery to the date of payment. On completion of the recovery Proceedings or till decree gets time barred, whichever is earlier, the MLI shall submit its claim for the balance 25% of the amount in default (net of recoveries, if not already remitted as above). Procedure for settlement of this Final Claim shall be the same as that of Interim Claim except that in the case of loans to individuals, Management Certificate shall be replaced by Statutory Auditor’s certificate.
  • Whether educational institutes/ agri allied activities eligible for coverage under the scheme?
    The scheme is for business activities. Any activity that is classified as an MSME or a business enterprise as per various guidelines issued by RBI or any Ministry from time to time are eligible for coverage under the scheme. If the other norms of the scheme are complied with, these institutions shall stand eligible.
  • I am an eligible MLI and have got some guarantees issued in respect of certain eligible borrowers. However, some of the details entered in the system are incorrect. Can the incorrect details entered be modified?
    No, there are some validations in the system and hence modifications cannot be allowed. However, on specific request from registered (at the time of enrolment) mail id of the MLI, NCGTC would arrange to delete the guarantees issued and the MLI shall be able to apply afresh for the guarantee in respect of loan to such borrowers.
  • In retail financial sector, it is a common practice to balance transfer of loans from one entity to other. Will these customers be eligible for this scheme?
    Mere transfer of loan from one lender to the other will not invalidate the customer or reduce the maximum loan eligibility available to such customer under this scheme, provided the lender taking over is also eligible under the scheme as per the criteria defined in the scheme guidelines. MLIs should note that the overall loan under the scheme will be capped at overall outstanding as on 29th Feb, 2020
  • Whether individuals are eligible for assistance under the scheme ?
    Yes, business loans availed by individuals for their own businesses shall be eligible under the scheme. However, the MLI shall have to submit a suitable Management Certificate at the time of lodgement of guarantee application.
  • What is the duration of the Scheme?
    The Scheme would be applicable to all loans sanctioned under GECL during the period from May 23, 2020 to 31st October, 2020, or till an amount of Rs. 3 lakh crore is sanctioned under GECL, whichever is earlier
  • I am an individual having taken loan from an eligible MLI for commercial/ construction equipment. Am I eligible for ECLGS facility ?
    Yes, you are eligible, provided you meet the other eligibility criteria of the scheme.
  • It has been indicated under FAQ 12 that in case a borrower wishes to take from any lender an amount more than the proportional 20% of the outstanding credit that the borrower has with that particular lender, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) would be required from all other lenders. Is it necessary for the borrower to obtain NOC from all lenders even though the loan being taken from a particular lender is not the total outstanding across al MLIs ?
    No, NOC would be required from the respective lenders whose share of ECLGS loan, the borrower wants to avail from one particular lender. It may, however, be necessary here for the particular lender to agree to provide assistance under ECLGS on behalf of these other lenders.
  • Who can provide answers to any further queries?
    Please address your queries/suggestions to
  • I operate a lending business. Am I eligible?
    No . Typically lending institutions get funds from banks/ NBFCs through on lending, refinance, asset purchase, securitization, assignment etc. There are therefore other windows available including the Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme and the Special Liquidity Facility.
  • Will MLIs be required to enter into any agreement with NCGTC for the purpose of this Scheme?
    Yes, MLIs will be required to submit an Undertaking to NCGTC for the purpose of this Scheme.
  • Whether individuals are covered under ECLGS, if they are MUDRA borrowers ?
    Yes, they are eligible, provided they meet the other eligibility norms of the scheme and The lender should have reported loans extended by it on the Mudra portal.
  • How is the interest rate to be decided for loans under the scheme?
    As per RBI guidelines dated September 04, 2019 & February 26, 2020, all loans to MSMEs must be benchmarked to one of the external benchmark rates. Banks are free to decide the spread over the external benchmark as per their approved policies. Accordingly, loans under the ECLGS must adhere to the above-mentioned guidelines and linked to the external benchmark rates. As part of the Scheme, overall lending rate is capped at 1% above the external benchmark lending rate or 9.25% p.a. whichever is lower. Loans which are allowed not to be benchmarked to external rates shall be capped at maximum of 9.25%. For e.g. for Bank ABC External Benchmark Lending Rate is 7.80 %; i.e. RBI Repo Rate (4.0%) + Spread (3.80%). For the purpose of this scheme the lending rate would be Min of (7.8% + 1% = 8.8% and 9.25%) = 8.8% in this case. For e.g. for Bank ABC1 External Benchmark Lending Rate is 8.50 %; i.e. RBI Repo Rate (4.0%) + Spread (4.50%). For the purpose of this scheme the lending rate would be Min of (8.5% + 1% = 9.5% and 9.25%) = 9.25% in this case.
  • Guarantee was issued under the scheme to a borrower who was eligible at the time of issue of guarantee. However, subsequently its combined loan outstanding across all MLIs exceeded Rs.50 crore or annual turnover exceeded Rs.250 crore. Whether the guarantee issued in such a case become void ?
    No, it would not become void. Eligibility is reckoned at the time of sanction of the loan. Clause 6 of the Undertaking furnished by MLIs shall therefore stand deleted.
  • Will any processing fee be charged by MLIs for sanction of loans under GECL?
    Since additional credit under GECL is to be provided to existing customers, no additional processing fee shall be charged by lenders.
  • Once the credit facility / loan under the scheme is extended to eligible clients, can the loans be assigned or be eligible for securitization?
    The facilities provided under ECLGS are eligible for securitization. Since the facility is to be opened as a separate loan account it can be treated at par with normal loans for securitization purpose. Other conditions of eligibility must be fulfilled.
  • Will the categorization of existing loans extended through current Government schemes such as PMEGP or PMMY change if GECL is provided to such borrowers?
    No. Existing loans extended through current Government schemes would continue to be categorized under that scheme as earlier. GECL under this Scheme shall be over and above the existing loan.
  • What will be the security on credit extended under GECL Scheme?
    The credit under GECL will rank second charge with the existing credit facilities in terms of cash flows (including repayments) and securities, with charge on the assets financed under the Scheme to be created within a period of 3 months from the date of disbursal.
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  • Who will issue detailed operational guidelines for ECLGS, and who will have the authority to modify provisions of the Scheme/operational guidelines?
    NCGTC has issued the detailed operational guidelines for the Scheme. The Management Committee for ECLGS fund will have the authority to approve any changes to the current structure of the Scheme/ operational guidelines.
  • Will the interest rate on GECL be capped?
    Yes, interest rates on GECL shall be capped as under: For Banks and FIs, one of the RBI prescribed external benchmark linked rates +1% subject to a maximum of 9.25% per annum For NBFCs, the interest rate on GECL shall not exceed 14% per annum The Scheme may also be operated in combination with applicable interest subvention schemes, as far as feasible.
  • I am an individual having taken loan against property from an eligible MLI. Am I eligible for ECLGS facility ?
    You are eligible, provided the loan has been taken for your own business purpose and you meet the other eligibility criteria of the scheme.
  • I am an individual having taken loan from an eligible MLI for commercial prpose vehicle. Am I eligible for ECLGS facility ?
    Yes, you are eligible, provided you meet the other eligibility criteria of the scheme.
  • I am an eligible borrower banking with MLI ‘A’ and MLI ‘B’. If MLI ‘A’ provides m ECLGS facility on the outstanding amount of MLI ‘B’ also based on NOC reeived from it, do I have to create second charge on my securities available with MLI ‘B’.
    No, second charge has to be created only on the securities available with the lender providing the ECLGS facility.
  • Whether projects under implementation (who have not yet started commercial operations or have not completed one year of commercial operations) eligible for coverage under the scheme?
    No restriction has been imposed for such types of units as they would also have been impacted by the pandemic and may suffer time and cost overrun. The concerned MLI should ensure overall eligibility under the scheme.
  • Will any guarantee fee be charged under the Scheme by NCGTC?
    No, NCGTC will not charge any guarantee fee under the Scheme.
  • An MLI ‘A’ has taken guarantee cover under ECLGS for a loan provided to a specific borrower. MLI ‘B’ takes over the said loan from MLI ‘A’ anytime during the repayment period. How will the guarantee provided under ECLGS be transferred from MLI ‘A’ to MLI ‘B’ and what would be the repayment schedule of the said loan under ECLGS with MLI ‘B’ ?
    A page would be created on the portal for takeover cases wherein MLI ‘B’ would have to enter certain details about the borrower being taken over from MLI ‘A’– it would include fields like borrower name, names of MLIs ‘A’ & ‘B’, CGPAN number of MLI ‘A’, loan account number, Management Certificate of having taken over the loan, etc. On submission of the same, NCGTC would verify the details of transfer and on approval, fresh CGPAN number shall be generated for MLI ‘B’ and a mail shall go to the registered mail ids of the two MLIs about shift of guarantee from MLI ‘A’ to MLI ‘B’. There would be no change in the repayment schedule, which should be as per scheme guidelines and both MLIs should ensure the same.
  • I am an eligible borrower having availed assistance under ECLGS. I have since repaid loans to the lender and am seeking release of partial/full securities. Can the lender release these securities?
    The lender can release his charge, but continue to hold the securities on behalf of NCGTC till clearance of entire dues under the scheme.
  • Will MLIs ask for any additional collateral for the GECL facility?
    No additional collateral shall be asked by MLIs for additional credit extended under GECL.
  • What would be the format of NOC and undertaking to be obtained from other lender?
    No format has been prescribed under the scheme. MLIs may use whatever they have been following till now.
  • I am not a registered MSME and operate a general/retail business. My account was NPA as on 29th Feb, 2020. Am I eligible for ECLGS?
    Accounts that are NPA or where overdues have crossed 60 days (SMA-II) are not eligible under ECLGS.
  • I am an individual having taken loan from an eligible MLI for diagnostic equipment. Am I eligible for ECLGS facility?
    Yes, you are eligible, provided you meet the other eligibility criteria of the scheme.
  • Will the Scheme also cover borrowers under PMMY?
    Yes, loans under PMMY extended on or before 29.2.2020, and reported on the MUDRA portal shall be covered under the Scheme.
  • Who are the MLIs under the Scheme?
    All SCBs are eligible as MLIs. NBFCs which have been in operation for at least 2 years as on 29.2.2020, and FIs will also be eligible as MLIs under the Scheme.
  • Whether Lease Rental Discounting is eligible for assistance under ECLGS?
  • Will MSME customer of HFC entitled for this scheme?
    MSME portfolio of HFC will be eligible. All MSME Loans must be given to entities which are eligible to be covered and provided other eligibility conditions are fulfilled
  • I run my business as a Society/ HUFs. Am I eligible under the scheme of ECLGS ?
    Yes, all legal entities are eligible.
  • What will be the risk weight assigned to the credit extended under GECL?
    Zero risk weight be assigned to the credit facilities extended under GECL, as per RBI Circular No. 76/21.06.201/2019-20 dated June 21, 2020.
  • Whether RRBs are eligible for coverage under the scheme ?
    Yes, they are eligible.
  • What is Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL)?
    The GECL is a loan for which 100% guarantee would be provided by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC) to Member Lending Institutions (MLIs), and which will be extended in the form of additional working capital term loan facility in case of Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) and Financial Institutions (FIs), and additional term loan facility in case of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), to eligible MSMEs/ Business Enterprises, individual borrowers in case of the original loan having been for own business and interested Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) borrowers. Credit under GECL would be up to 20% of the borrower’s total outstanding credit up to Rs. 50 crore, excluding off-balance sheet and non-fund based exposures, as on 29th February, 2020, i.e., additional credit shall be up to Rs.10 crore
  • To avail GECL, will it be necessary for existing loans of the borrower to be covered under existing guarantee schemes such as CGFMU or CGTMSE?
  • What would be the guarantee coverage under the Scheme?
    The entire funding provided under GECL shall be provided with a 100% credit guarantee coverage by NCGTC under the Scheme.
  • What would be the tenor of loans provided under GECL?
    The tenor of loans provided under GECL shall be four years from the date of disbursement. No pre-payment penalty shall, however, be charged by the MLIs in case of early repayment.
  • In case of MUDRA borrowers, if the total outstanding after support under ELGS exceeds the limit of Rs.10 lakh as specified for MUDRA borrowers, will they continue to get cover under Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units ?
    Yes, The additional loan would be covered under NCGTC’s ECLGS, while the original loan would continue under CGFMU as previously covered.
  • What will be the eligibility criteria for MSMEs to avail the benefit of the Scheme?
    The eligibility criteria under the Scheme are as under: All MSME borrower accounts with combined outstanding loans across all MLIs of up to Rs. 50 crore as on 29.2.2020, and annual turnover of up to Rs. 250 crore in FY 2019-20. In case accounts for FY 2019-20 are yet to be audited/finalized, the MLI may rely upon the borrower’s declaration of turnover. The Scheme is valid only for existing customers on the books of the MLI. Borrower accounts should be classified as regular, SMA-0 or SMA-1 as on 29.2.2020. Accounts classified as NPA or SMA-2 as on 29.2.2020 will not be eligible under the Scheme. The MSME borrower must be GST registered in all cases where such registration is mandatory. This condition will not apply to MSMEs that are not required to obtain GST registration. Loans provided to individuals for own business purposes will be covered under the Scheme.
  • My Bank/ NBFC has offered me a pre approved loan of 15% only though the scheme mentions 20%. Can the Bank/ NBFC do so?
    Under ECLGS, Banks/ NBFCs are to offer loans up to 20%. Actual loan extended can therefore be less than 20%. This is generally on mutually agreed terms between the borrower and the lender based on factors relevant to the business operations.
  • I am an eligible borrower banking with an eligible MLI. However, sister concern of the borrower or my personal account has some outstanding over 60 days past due. Whether I am eligible for assistance under ECLGS?
    Yes, eligibility of the borrower is to be seen, not of other entities/personal account.
  • What will be the procedure for claim settlement ?
    This will be advised in due course through additional guidelines to be issued.
  • Are Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) eligible as Member Lending institution under ECLGS?
    Yes, all scheduled RRBs are eligible. It may be mentioned here that subsequent to amalgamation of certain RRBs which were previously scheduled, they are yet to be included in Second Schedule of RBI Act, but considering that RBI has already commenced the process to include them in the Schedule which may take some time and the fact that they were earlier scheduled, they are also eligible under ECLGS.
  • Can new MSME borrowers get covered under the scheme?
    ECLGS scheme is only for existing borrowers on the books of the banks as on 29th Feb 2020. Any new borrower can, however, be covered under the ongoing CGTMSE and NCGTC schemes.
  • NCGTC had come out with an FAQ on June 29, 2020 wherein it was clarified that extension of any guarantee or obtention of any fresh guarantee for the facility under ECLGS shall make the guarantee void. In view of the practice being followed in some MLIs, they have taken extension on guarantees available from the borrowers while creating second charge. Can such accounts be exempted from being considered void, as clarification through FAQ was received only on June 29, 2020.
    The Operational Guidelines of the scheme provide for second charge only on securities available with an MLI. Nowhere any mention of obtention of any guarantee was stipulated. The said FAQ was not an amendment to the guidelines, but just a clarification. MLIs who have obtained guarantee in any form may take necessary steps to get the same cancelled to ensure continuity of guarantee cover.
  • Can co-applicant loans between entity and the promoter or director get covered under the scheme ?
  • Are all NBFCs eligible to become MLIs with NCGTC?
    No. The NBFC must be registered with RBI, should be meeting the CRAR requirements prescribed by RBI and have been in lending business for at least two years as on 29th Feb 2020. The Managing Committee of the Scheme may prescribe additional qualification criteria from time to time.
  • Are Self Help Groups eligible for assistance under ECLGS ?
  • Is any turnaround time prescribed for MLIs under the Scheme for sanction of GECL?
    Indicative turnaround time for loans under the Scheme shall be the same as those prescribed by Department of Financial Services for credit support in the context of COVID-19 pandemic.
  • I run a business enterprise and have a GST registration. However, I am not registered as an MSME nor do I have Udyog Aadhar. My Bank also does not classify me as an MSME borrower. Am I eligbile under the scheme?
    You are eligible if you have total credit outstanding of Rs. 50 Crore or less as on 29th Feb 2020 your turnover for 2019-20 was up to Rs. 250 Cr. You have a GST registration or were not required to obtain such GST registration Udyog Aadhar or recognition as MSME is not required under this Scheme
  • Will loans under the Scheme be automatically given without any application or solicitation from the borrower?
    This is a pre-approved loan. An offer will go out from the MLI to the eligible borrowers for a preapproved loan which the borrower may choose to accept. If the MSME accepts the offer, it will be required to complete requisite documentation. Thus, an ‘opt-out’ option will be provided to eligible borrowers under the Scheme, i.e., if the borrower is not interested in availing the loan, he/she may indicate accordingly.
  • A legal entity ‘A’ eligible under the scheme got merged into/taken over by another entity ‘B’ after February 29, 2020 and the account of entity ‘A’ has since closed. Will entity ‘B’ be eligible for facility under ECLGS to the extent of 20% of outstanding as on February 29, 2020 of entity ‘B’ alone or combined outstanding as on February 29, 2020 of entities ‘A’ & ‘B’.
    The facility cannot be provided in respect of closed accounts. Hence, Entity ‘B’ would be entitled to 20% of outstanding of entity ‘B’ alone, subject to meeting of other eligibility criteria prescribed under the scheme. However, if the constitution of entity ‘A’ gets changed to entity ‘B’ (and PAN gets changed) subsequent to February 29, 2020, then entity ‘B’ shall be eligible for assistance as entity ‘A’ would have become eligible, had it continued to be in existence.
  • What is meant by Commercial Vehicle (CV) ?
    It means a vehicle registered for commercial purposes.
  • Will GECL be extended as a separate loan account, or as part of the existing
    A separate loan account shall be opened for the borrower for extending additional credit under GECL. This account will be distinct from the existing loan account(s) of the borrower.
  • What is the process of issue of Guarantees under the scheme ?
    As per the system developed by us for issue of guarantee under ECLGS, once a lender enters the details of the loan sanctioned to an eligible borrower as per the scheme guidelines, the system shall approve the guarantee automatically and will provide Application Reference No. and Credit Guarantee Number to the lender, which shall be used by the lender for later references. No documents are sought at the time of application lodgement of guarantee, except in the case of individual loans where a management certificate certifying that the original loan was for business purposes..
  • I run a retail shop. Am I eligible for coverage?
    See answer to question 27
  • The Bank has taken first charge on perishable assets/current assets against short term loans to a borrower and extended second charge on these assets to NCGTC against 20% facility under ECLGS. What would be the security available once these assets are sold off/disposed ?
    The second charge assumes the nature of first charge after payment of full dues of first charge holder. However, if the assets against which second charge was created itself are not there, then the facility extended under ECLGS would become unsecured. New assets would not be required for creating or sustaining the charge.
  • I am an eligible borrower having availed loan under the scheme. Can I seek disbursement after October 31, 2020?
    Yes, disbursement can be availed after October 31, 2020, but latest by December 31, 2020.
  • Will a portfolio / clients that has been purchased under a pool qualify under this scheme?
    The guarantee is available to the existing lender for the additional loan extended during the specified period. Thus, the lenders on whose book these borrowers currently are can provide these facilities provided the borrowers meet all the eligible conditions as defined in the scheme guidelines. It should be noted that the eligible amount for loan under ECLGS is 20% of the outstanding amount as on 29th Feb 2020. The buyer of the pool should be an MLI under the Scheme.
  • What would be the risk weight assigned to loans provided guarantee cover under the scheme ?
    Zero risk weight is to be assigned to the credit facilities extended under the scheme, as per RBI Circular No. 76/21.06.201/2019-20 dated June 21, 2020.
  • How many days will it take to update EMI clearance status in my loan account ?
    Your EMI Clearance Status will be updated within 24 hours in your Loan Account.
  • Can I change my EMI due date ?
    No, you cannot change your EMI due date. To understand more contact the nearest branch, or call us at 1800-102-9925. To locate your desired branch, use our Branch Locator.
  • How much interest do I have to pay ?
    Calculating with us need not be stressful. Use our EMI Calculator.
  • How will I know the status of my loan application ?
    To know the current status of your loan application, contact our branch nearest to your location.
  • How can a Loan with CSL Finance help me in meeting my Financial needs ?
    CSL Finance provides Working Capital Loans at flexible and competitive ROIs. The entirety of the loaning process stays hassle-free with only relevant documentation involved.
  • How Do I contact CSL ?
    Contact us at our toll-free number - 1800-102-9925, or visit the nearest branch with our Branch Locator.
  • What are the requirements of collaterals and securities ?
    Our spectrum of collaterals and securities largely consists of Self-Occupied Residential Property (SORP) and Self-Occupied Commercial Property (SOCP).
  • How do I pay the monthly repayment of my loan ?
    One of the biggest advantages of being with CSL is the flexibility that comes with our services. There are multiple options you can choose to repay your loans such as Automated NACH, Cheque, Mobile Wallets, Online payment, transfers, and UPI.
  • As an existing client of CSL, Can I avail of more than one loan at a time?
    Yes, provided the profile and the requirement matches with given eligibility criteria and the company policy for the loan you want. To know more please contact your Relationship Manager, or visit the branch nearest to you.
  • How much time does it take for the disbursement of the loan ?
    For any loan concerned with Retail Lending, it takes about 4 to 5 days for disbursement.
  • Punjab
    Ludhiana CSL FINANCE LIMITED B-15-79/A/1, Vishkarma Chowk Millerganj, Ludhiana Punjab- 141003 Patiala CSL FINANCE LIMITED Second Floor, Sethi Complex Opp Polo Ground Near Modi College Chowk Patiala –Punjab- 147001 Rajpura Shop No. 15-C, Second Floor, Calibre Market, Patiala Road, Rajpura- Punjab – 140401.
  • Haryana
    Sonipat CSL FINANCE LIMITED, Corner Building No. B-1, Second Floor, Indira Colony, Railway Station Gohana Road, Opp. HDFC Bank - Sonipat - Haryana - 131001 Ambala CSL FINANCE LIMITED SCO 91,2nd floor Prem Nagar, Above Bajaj Finance Ambala city HR 134003 Karnal CSL FINANCE LIMITED, Sco 150, First Floor, Mugal Canal Road, Karnal, Haryana-132001 Panipat CSL FINANCE LIMITED Shop No. 17, 2nd Floor, Mahabir Colony, B.M.K Market, Behind Hive Hotel, G.T Road, Panipat, Haryana - 132103
  • Delhi -NCR
    CORPORATE OFFICE CSL FINANCE LIMITED, Unit no. 716,717, 7th Floor,World Trade Tower, Sector 16, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 2201301 0120-4290650-52-53-54 Karol Bagh CSL Finance Ltd, office -410-412, 18/12, 4th Floor, W.E.A. Arya Samaj Road , Karol Bagh, New Delhi -110005 Gurgaon CSL FINANCE LIMITED, 425, 2nd floor, Ganpati Arcade,Gurudwara Road, Civil Lines,Gurugram-122001 Noida CSL FINANCE LIMITED, Plot No.  A84, office No. F02, First Floor, Sector 4, Noida - 201301
  • Rajasthan
    Ajmer CSL FINANCE LIMITED AMC No. 419/11=463/10 , Part 2 & 3, Brahampuri, Ajmer – Rajasthan -305001 Jaipur CSL FINANCE LIMITED Office No. Office No. 104, 1st Floor, ARG Complex, Sikar road, Jaipur, Rajasthan -302013 Sanganer CSL FINANCE LIMITED S- 11, First Floor, Sec- 5 Near Canara Bank Pratap Nagar Main Tonk Road Sanganer Jaipur- 302033 Udaipur CSL FINANCE LIMITED Office No. 205 2nd Floor Icon Tower Madhuban Udaipur- Rajasthan 313001 Sikar CSL FINANCE LIMITED Office No 01, 3rd Floor Ocean Plaza, Near Maruti Showroom, Jaipur Road, Sikar, Rajasthan -332001 Rajsamand CSL FINANCE LIMITED 1st Floor, Below Nataraj Namkeen, Near Sharma hospital, Nathdwara Rd, opp. SBI ATM, Kankroli, Rajsamand -313324 Srimadhopur CSL FINANCE LIMITED Premises No Ward no 20, 1st Floor, Lucky Plaza Station Road Near Vrindavan Mart, Shrimadhopur, Sikar, Rajasthan - 332715 Jobner CSL FINANCE LIMITED Shop no 8 ,S.G. Plaza, Naga circle, Jobner bypass ,Jobner ,Jaipur ,Pin -303328 Udaipurwati CSL Finance Limited, Premises No 1st Floor,Near Ghumchakkar and AU Bank, Jhunjhunu Road, Udaipurwati, Rajasthan - 333307 Chittorgarh CSL Finance Limited, Premises No – Ground Floor ,C-3, Mohan Enclave, Meera Nagar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan - 312001 Bhilwara CSL Finance Limited, Premises No – Shop No. 213, 2nd floor, BTC Complex, in front of Harsh Palace Hotel, Old RTO Road, Bhilwara - 311001 (Raj.)
  • Gujarat
    Ahmedabad Office No. SF - 201, City Centre Arcade & Home NR. SRP Campus, Krishnanagar – Naroda Highway, Naroda, Ahmedabad - Gujarat-382346. Baroda Csl Finance Limited Office NO/TF-307 Earth The Land Mark OPP.Satsang Party Plot Sun Pharma Road Vadodara – Gujarat- 390012 Bharuch Shop No. 151, 1 St Floor, Aditya Complex, Kasak, Bharuch- Gujarat- 392002 Mahesana CSL FINANCE LIMITED , Shop No. T-8, 3rd Floor, Orbit Small Center, Near Dena Bank, Radhanpur Curcle, Mehsana, Gujrat - 384002. Siddhpur CSL Finance Ltd -Office No. F-1, 1st Floor, Pramukh Plaza Sidhpur, Siddhraj Jaisinh Rd, near Laxmi Market, Patan, Gujarat 384151 Surat CSL FINANCE LIMITED OFFICE NO- 109, Palash Palladia, Near Galaxy Circle, Green City Road, Pal, Surat, Gujarat - 395009 Navsari Shop no. 306, 3rd Floor, Sai Darbar Boltigor chhapra Road B/H Technical School, Navsari- Gujarat - 396445 Anand T/6, 3rd Floor, Radha Arcade, Opposite Indrapuri Society, Lambhvel Road, Near Indira Statue, Anand, Gujarat – 388001
  • Uttarakhand
    Dehradun CSL Finance Limited 92/72, 3rd Floor Vrindavan Tower, New Cantonment Rd, Hathibarkala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001 Haridwar CSL Finance Limited Kumar’s building , shop no :-7 first floor , Ram Nagar Colony Jwalapur , Haridwar 249407
  • Uttar Pradesh
    Agra CSL FINANCE LIMITED office 57/2 unit no 14 second floor kaveri building Sanjay place Agra pin- 282002 Modinagar Shop No. 7, Ground Floor, Amarnath Clinic, Near Modi Mill, Meerut Road, Modinagar, - Ghaziabad –UP – 201204
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